Psychotherapy at Build Consultancy Circle

Dive into your emotional world and tackle daily challenges with our expert psychotherapists, skilled in a diverse range of therapeutic methodologies:


Think of your mind as a deep ocean, and there are many things hidden deep below. This method is like diving deep to find hidden treasures or understand what’s buried down there. It looks at dreams and memories to understand more about what's going on inside your head.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy):

Imagine your mind like a computer. Sometimes it can have wrong or harmful programming. CBT is like updating that software, helping you change bad habits or negative thoughts. It gives you tools to handle problems better.


Music can make us feel many things—happy, sad, excited, or calm. This method uses music to help people express and understand their feelings or improve their thinking. It’s like having a special playlist tailored just for you to help you feel better.


Imagine your mind as a complex puzzle with many different pieces. Integrative therapy doesn’t just focus on one piece but tries to see the whole picture. It combines different techniques from various therapies, like picking the best tools from a toolbox, to tailor a unique treatment that fits all the parts of your puzzle together. It's like using a map made up of different routes to help you find the best path forward.

Mindfulness-Based (MBCT):

Picture your mind as a sky filled with clouds. Sometimes, the clouds are thoughts or feelings that can seem overwhelming. MBCT teaches you to be like a bird, observing the clouds without getting caught in them. It’s about being present in the moment, learning to notice each thought without judgment, and finding calm in the midst of the storm.


Think of your life as a team game. You play with others, like family and friends. This approach helps therapists see how you work with your team and how they affect you. It's about understanding your role and relationships.


Envision your mind as an ancient city, with layers built upon layers over time. Psychodynamic therapy is like an archaeological dig, exploring the deep layers of your personal history. It looks at how the past shapes your present behaviors and feelings, revealing the foundation beneath your daily life to understand and resolve deep-seated issues.


Think of your mind as an ecosystem, where every plant and animal has its role, and everything is connected. Psycho-organic therapy explores this ecosystem, examining how your emotions and physical experiences are linked. It’s about understanding the organic flow of your inner world and how emotional blocks can lead to physical symptoms, aiming to restore balance within your natural inner landscape.


Our mind and body are connected, much like a computer and its hardware. Sometimes, when our mind is upset or stressed, our body shows signs too, like stomachaches. This method looks at how our feelings and thoughts can affect our body and aims to treat both.

Bio Decoding:

Think of this as being a detective for your body. It tries to find out why a part of your body might be sick or in pain by looking at emotional or mental reasons. For example, if you're always stressed, maybe that's why you have frequent headaches.

Contact Us if you are unsure which approach fits you more.

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